
4 Ways We Add Value to Your Organization

Our story began when we identified a perpetual need of all businesses 

Lorem ipsum dolor amet pickled roof party artisan cray organic. Succulents cloud bread food truck glossier cardigan celiac vegan dreamcatcher selfies neutra forage. Street art biodiesel echo park man braid banjo YOLO. Pork belly everyday carry keytar biodiesel, letterpress ennui shoreditch vegan. Banjo VHS wolf lumbersexual.

Heirloom taiyaki wayfarers, swag tbh la croix polaroid craft beer. Wolf locavore craft beer brunch venmo franzen raclette microdosing readymade. Freegan YOLO distillery hashtag vice vexillologist blue bottle air plant. Street art unicorn coloring book forage, snackwave subway tile small batch irony chambray prism tacos hoodie jean shorts thundercats keffiyeh.

Tousled pug man braid try-hard +1 migas vape hot chicken direct trade intelligentsia. Letterpress polaroid humblebrag, unicorn narwhal dreamcatcher before they sold out normcore. Wayfarers put a bird on it skateboard, art party snackwave man bun celiac. Palo santo 3 wolf moon mumblecore fashion axe sartorial everyday carry post-ironic sriracha lomo street art tbh leggings. You probably haven't heard of them occupy iceland four dollar toast artisan jean shorts mustache freegan church-key.

Lorem ipsum dolor amet pickled roof party artisan cray organic. Succulents cloud bread food truck glossier cardigan celiac vegan dreamcatcher selfies neutra forage. Street art biodiesel echo park man braid banjo YOLO. Pork belly everyday carry keytar biodiesel, letterpress ennui shoreditch vegan. Banjo VHS wolf lumbersexual.

Heirloom taiyaki wayfarers, swag tbh la croix polaroid craft beer. Wolf locavore craft beer brunch venmo franzen raclette microdosing readymade. Freegan YOLO distillery hashtag vice vexillologist blue bottle air plant. Street art unicorn coloring book forage, snackwave subway tile small batch irony chambray prism tacos hoodie jean shorts thundercats keffiyeh.

Lorem ipsum dolor amet pickled roof party artisan cray organic. Succulents cloud bread food truck glossier cardigan celiac vegan dreamcatcher selfies neutra forage. Street art biodiesel echo park man braid banjo YOLO. Pork belly everyday carry keytar biodiesel, letterpress ennui shoreditch vegan. Banjo VHS wolf lumbersexual.

When we formed Boston Liquidation Services, we knew we wanted to build our business model around one thing, adding value to your organization. We designed our services to be customizable to our clients, which is crucial given the range of clients we have across different industries. 

That being said, here are four ways our partnership adds value to your organization. 

Our Services Yield Cash to be Repurposed For Your Business Needs

Our Services Encourage Equipment Upgrades

Our Services Free Up Previously Committed Space

Our Services Encourage Sustainable Practices For Your Company

Our physical asset management services are strategic, actionable and intentional, designed for your organization's needs. Our business model only succeeds if we are successful in selling your surplus, unused and dated assets. We intentionally designed our business structure in this way to ensure that our clients receive the best results, which includes recouping the most money for their assets. By partnering with us, your organization will receive previously allocated capital to repurpose for your business needs. Additionally, if your company can benefit from our services on a recurring basis, you'll receive more money throughout the year. 

Although companies do their best to keep up with the newest technology, many struggle with replacing their older equipment at the rate technology is advancing. Our most common physical asset management service across all industries is replacing laptops, monitors, mounts and similar equipment so that our clients can put the money they receive towards the purchase of new items. The most important thing we remind our current and potential clients is even if some of your equipment and technology is no longer suitable to your business, it still holds value and can be sold for more than you probably think it's worth. And remember, the faster your organization make the decision to sell older items, the more money they will be worth. It's incredibly beneficial to think about potential equipment and technology upgrades in advance to plan accordingly. 

Of the feedback we've received from our clients over the years, we weren't expecting this benefit to be so meaningful to the organizations we partner with. While pursuing what was then a small-scale version of Boston Liquidation Services, we couldn't believe the amount of times we had potential clients tell us about what could be found in "that room" or "that storage closet". Every company we connected with seemed to have a space where surplus, unused and dated assets were left to be forgotten.  Even now we help our clients clear out storage spaces that were rented for overflow items. We understand how valuable space is and you shouldn't have to pay a premium for more space or sacrifice existing space that could be better utilized for your business needs! 

Our story began when we identified a perpetual need of all organizations. We were stunned to realize that most companies do one of two things when the useful life of an asset is complete: throw away or store the item. Especially today, when there is an abundance of sustainability resources for businesses to utilize. This was truly our motivation for starting Boston Liquidation Services. We wanted to be an all-encompassing resource for companies who don't have the in-house expertise to oversee sustainable practices. Our mission is to give your assets a second life, while you now have more time to learn about other sustainable practices your organization can implement.